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MultiLiveQueue starting point
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MultiLiveQueue starting point
Last updated
Thanks for using MultiLiveQueue, once installed on your server you can directly start using the commands. The first command you'll enter will register you as a user in the bot's data files.
First command = user registered
You can add your Multiversus username so your teammates and opponent can easily find you ingame.
You have to set your ingame username to join a matchmaking queue
You can also get your Muliversus link with the following command.
Then you're ready to queue, note that you can access your stats at any time with:
You're now ready to join a matchmaking queue! To do so, use the /queue commands.
Note that you can't join a queue if you're in a match or already in an other queue
More about the queue commands here: Matchmaking
Once enough player has been found to start a match, you'll get a message, and the match category and text/voice channels will be created for your team.
The main command is to report the result of the match. This can be done by the winner or loser side.
More about the match here: Match
Note that the channels created are only accessible for your team and will be deleted after the match result is reported