Points calculation

How many ranking points can I win or lose?


At the end of a ranked match, once one of the players reported the match, the ranking points will be updated. The ranking points won/lost after a match depends on 2 factors:

  • Difference between the KOs of the two teams (if one game) / or difference between the games won (if BO match)

  • Win streak multiplier

Note that you can't go bellow 0 ranking points.

You always start with 0 points.


  1. Difference between

    • Your KOs and enemy team KOs (if one game)

    • OR

    • Number of games you won and number of games won by the enemy (if BO match)

  2. Multiply the difference with your win streak multiplier (only when winning)

points_gained=differenceāˆ—multiplierpoints\_gained = difference * multiplier


Winning scenario

You won your match 4-2, then you report the result this way:

/match report win 4-2

The points difference is 2.

You had a win streak multiplier of 1.4, you then do: 2 * 1.4 = 2.8

The win streak multiplier is increased by 0.2 for the next game.

šŸŽ‰You won 2.8 ranking points.

Losing scenario

You lost your match 1-4, then you report the result this way:

/match report win 1-4

The points difference is 3.

The win streak multiplier is reset to 1.

šŸ˜¢ You lost 3 ranking points.

Win streak multiplier

In order to reward the players that are winning a lot of games in a row, the bot has a win streak multiplier system. Meaning, each time you win, you'll gain a little bit more points. If you lose, the multiplier will be reset to 1.

  • Win: increase win streak multiplier by 0.2

  • Loss: reset win streak multiplier to 1

If you win a match the multiplier will be taken into account. If you lose the multiplier is not taken into account.

Last updated