Match commands

Match commands to report the results

Once a match has started, each team will have a dedicated voice and text channel that them and only them can access.



  • result of the match for you, either "win" or "loss"

  • score of the match, always from your perspective meaning, you lost, the enemy have 4 KOs and you have 2, then you'll input "2-4" (you can also refer to the score as a BO match with several games, for instance you won 2 games to 1 in the match then enter "2-1")

to report a match with result and score
/match report <win-loss> <score>

Effects: once one of the players reported the match

  • Ranking points updated

  • Rank updated (if needed)

  • Players removed from the match > they can join a queue again

  • Match delete

  • Channels deleted


Needed when you've been selected as a captain in a captain queue


  • teammate name that you select (help with autocomplete to see the available players)

to pick a teammate from the available players
/match pick <username>


  • The selected player will join your team

  • The remaining player will be put in the same team

  • The voice and text channels will be created


Do not abuse this command, it has to be used only when one of the players that was in a queue happened to not be available when the match starts.

to abandon a match
/match abandon


  • The player will be removed from the available players and/or from the team of the match, as a result, if the match is still reported this will have no effects on the player ranking points.

  • If the match has no more players in it, then the match will be deleted. As a result, all the players have to abandon a match for the match to be deleted. This has been made to prevent abuses.

delete_channels ⚠️

Admin command only

to delete all match channels still opened
/match delete_channels

This command has been made to delete all channels created by matches in case of a bug.

Last updated